'In Cassidy's Care' is released July 22.
Some of you already have it
If you'd like a copy you can get it directly from me by accessing the site store here, or you could buy it from Amazon here.
Reviews seem pretty thin on the ground so you could help us big time by doing an Amazon customer review.
You don't need to have brought the album through Amazon to write one. These can be submitted from the release date onwards...
Our promotional diary is pretty non existent; we just hope folk will find us and like us. There are however, many trees in the forest...
Thanks again to all who have helped breath life into the album:
Marcus (obviously)
Lucinda, Melvin and Jim for performing on the songs.
Barry Cross (album design)
Pete Beckmann (mastering)
Di Holmes (photography)
Max M (website design and maintenance)
The many 'Friends of MM' who 'talk us up' to all and sundry
The many 'Friends of MM' who 'talk us up' to all and sundry
The good folk at 'Proper' and 'Linn' for helping to sell our songs
The journalists who have embraced us
Finally, a tip of the hat to my lady, Di, for her love and support.
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