Saturday 20 July 2024

From Across the Pond

"This constant lying is not aimed at making the people believe a lie, but at ensuring that no one believes anything anymore. A people that can no longer distinguish between truth and lies cannot distinguish between right and wrong. And such a people, deprived of the power to think and judge, is, without knowing and willing it, completely subjected to the rule of lies. With such a people, you can do whatever you want."
Hannah Arendt

Watching from across the pond. As Trump punches the air and wears his flesh wound like a stigmata, his feverish followers fall at his feet: supplicant believers become dumb disciples. He can do no wrong. Modern American 'politics' eh? Nothing seems rooted in reality: it reads like a fiction that you couldn’t make up, let alone believe. I do recognise that the UK’s political bar hasn’t exactly been set high of late. Debate has become more about abuse and mockery than open minded discourse and authentic argument. Our baleful blues shirked responsibility and pointed the tawdry Tory finger of blame randomly, spitefully, whilst smugly lining their pockets. They didn’t even blanch when caught out: just shrugged it off as though self interest was part of the game. Good riddance. Galbraith nailed it: “The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.” 
Meanwhile, stateside, Biden stumbles on, seemingly oblivious of the crucial need for fresh blue blood. But where's the beef? I’m reading that, despite her smarts and fresh energy, Kamala Harris is liked rather than admired, and will lose the Dem’s votes simply because of her gender? Where are the ‘strong and forceful voices’? It’s been a while since we have seen a youthful US politician of vision, integrity and charisma. 

Trump's support is bewildering mass myopia. Emboldened, he knows no shame and is thus shameless: his sins unquantifiable because they simply don’t count. If Donald is the answer then what on this flat earth is the question? Beyond a confirmation of their tribalism, beyond enabling his self serving adventurism, beyond mindlessly nailing their colours to his mast, what course are DT's cowing crew expecting him to plot? What’s in it for them? 
Trump has sold short the value of caution and care: politics aren’t meant to be dramatic, exciting, thrilling or emotional, but that’s the shit-show they’ve become, and Don the Con's your toothsome, loathsome host. Without coherent character he has no cogent conscience, and as such, he exists in a moralistic void. His vulgar vapidity has shrouded what was once bright and beautiful: an American independence of thought and vision that enabled and demanded genuine, authentic inclusivity. 'We the people' means everyone!  Doesn't it? 
Trump has dulled his toadying tribe into reverent, slack-jawed acceptance: a blind faith that precludes logical assessment or judgment.  And so it goes; he has effectively elevated himself above the regulations and restraints of law and truth; of dignity and duty. Regardless of those disdains, what does his popularity say about America’s moral compass?

Sleepy Joe's innings is over and yet he is still pitching to be there for the next four and a half years. Surely his work is done? He is a good soul but his energies are spent. Well spent, but spent. Perhaps the 11th hour is perfect timing for derailing the orange juggernaut? Cometh the hour. But where’s yer man?
Meanwhile, above the law, effectively unchallenged, an unprincipled Donald J. Trump continues to live in his own little world, determined to make it ours. We couldn’t be dumb enough to let him. Could we?

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