Marcus plays his Dan Electro bass which warms the bottom end of the mix, working well with the trashy drum sound. Joe Henry would be proud of us...
As the evening sets in we set about the final song. 'The Fullness of Time' is a piano ballad that Marcus pronounces 'too pretty' and sets about deconstructing it; ordering me to remove all of the twiddly bits and simplify; removing the diminished and minor 7ths etc. 'Think Lanois rather than James Taylor' he prompts, so I put on a pair of oven gloves for performance. As you will surely hear, this paid dividends. My least dextrous performance ever is proclaimed 'perfect' by the Scientist. It's a rough science...
Later, I look down my nose at him as he sits poised at the piano and I smugly suggest a piano part that is 'more Mrs Mills than Elton." He looks confused but gets it when I mention Les Dawson... Once the vocal is down (our usual 3 takes and a 'comp') we add a wonky Sparklehorse mellotrone and it all sounds surprisingly effecting. Amazing what imperfection can do to the heartstrings...
Lesson learnt: one bubble in the paint job: bad. Many bubbles: good.
That's 13 songs in the bag of bones.
Stripped bare they do sound naked; now comes the fun: we need to add the right flesh to the bones...
Less fat and fulsome, more lean and keen methinks...
Careful you two. Or I will have to come up to Norbury Brook and tie your hands behind your backs. LESS IS MORE. remember KISS.
ReplyDeleteI think on our budget Nick you can safely say that less will be more...